Saturday, October 6, 2007

I Did It...!

Well, I did it...I created a blog site. WOW!! So much still to learn. I feel so behind and technology going at warp speed. I still remember sitting at the electric typewriter with a typewriter eraser to correct the mistakes..!

So, after I recover from creating this site, then I will have some brain power left to write something.

Till then...nite!


bryan mcgee said...

Found you! Woohoo!

Abs said...

I don't even know what to say...welcome!

P.Matthew said...

There will be wars and famines, knowledge will increase, and Nana will get a blog. Nana you ROCK! You are an inspiration to cyberphobics the world over.

carolyn mejia said...

I think... yes.... it's an actual tear forming. I'm so proud.... words can not express.

Millie Holloman said...

congrats and welcome to the blogsphere! You are going to love it here.